Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas 2011

Well its Christmas, and this is one unlike any other.
I have not wrote in a while because all other things, including the renovation of my place, has come to a complete stop. On September 20th my father was diagnosed with a rare cancer in his neck. He got it removed very quickly, but, has been going through chemo and radiation for the last few months. Most people start one treatment right after, but for some reason, he is having them both at the same time. It sucks!

These past few months have been the hardest in my life, and I am just a spectator. Although sometimes I feel I have a pretty good idea of what he is going through. I really have NO CLUE.
Watching my dad go through this treatment, is the hardest thing I have ever watched in my life. Everyday its a struggle to live, and I see that on his face and in his tears.

Today was extremely hard because its Christmas. Just two days before my dad was diagnosted with Cancer, my grandpa passed away. Its been very very hard, to say the least. My dad was very close with my grandpa, and near the end of his life, they got even closer. I cant imagine what it must be like to grieve over the passing of your father, while battling cancer.

You really have no idea whats important to you, till you are faced with the possibility of it all ending. 2011, has sucked, and I am so happy it is over. This new year is going to bring new light into the Conlin house, and I am happy its just a few days away.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Forward Home

I decided to make this blog showcasing the progression of a 1950's home renovation. Since I am on my last quarter of business school, full time job- less, and a designer, I of course jumped on this designer dream opportunity. I am looking forward to whatever this adventure has in store for me and will be posting photos and ideas along the way. I can use all the advice I can get so don't be afraid to leave comments throughout this process.

-Forward Home!